Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Will millions of Muslims march to Israel?

Remember the 2 million people in Tahrir Sq chanting to liberate Jerusalem?

It seems as if Amnon Yitzchak's warning that millions of Arabs could march to Israel has now gone the Arab world, that is. Facebook may have taken down a page calling for a third intifada, but two new pages are up, calling for a mass invasion of Israel by millions of Arabs on May 15th, the date marking the establishment of the state of Israel.

The Maseera 2011 page reads (translated by INN from Arabic):
Our goal is to carry out the march of the Right of Return in both word and deed to Palestine on May 15 2011 from Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, in order to penetrate the borders of Palestine and return to the homeland and validate the right of return in word and deed...
If this takes off, unrest in the Muslim world is not looking good for Israel.  But not to worry, thanks to the lunar calendar, Israel's Independence day falls nearly a week before the march, so there will be plenty of time to celebrate before the madness begins.

Twitter and Facebook so far have been portrayed as neutral tools harnessed by the Arab populace against dictatorships. Yet now that Zuckerberg has agreed to take down the page calling for a violent uprising against Israel, Ishmael and social networking find themselves at somewhat of a standoff. I wonder how long this page will last.

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